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Spice Storage

Growing up, my mother only used a handful of spices, so storage was never an issue. When I started cooking for myself, I discovered a world of new flavors, and bought a jar of just about every dried herb and spice on the market. I dedicated one whole shelf in my cabinet to those seasonings, stacking the little jars on top of each other. It made finding what I wanted a pain, and the stacks would fall over …

My rotating spice rack only held sixteen spices, and I owned way more than that. Plus, it took up precious space on my limited counters.
I don't even remember where I got the idea to store spices on the side of my refrigerator. I wish I knew who to credit. But here's what I did.
I bought a box of 2-ounce screw-top shallow metal containers from I also bought a package of plain white round label stickers, and two packages of 1-inch round heavy-duty magnets from a craft store.
I poured the contents of my spice jars into their own tins, labeled each one, and stuck them to the side of my fridge with the magnets. I did not glue the magnets onto the tins. If I need a spice, I pull the tin off the fridge, leaving the magnet behind. When I'm done, I just stick the tin back on the magnet.