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Munchkin Meals: A Day of Eats

It's Thursday — you know what that means! Munchkin Meals, hosted by A Healthy Slice of Life

A typical day of Liam's (10.5 months old) eats. 



I try to make each meal balanced (protein, produce, carb), but our pantry is running a bit bare. Today's breakfast is one Trader Joe's frozen multi-grain waffle, 3 organic strawberries and 3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt. I tossed the strawberries with the yogurt since he won't let us spoon-feed him anymore. Liam prefers bananas, but we're all out. He ate the entire waffle, and about ⅔ of the strawberries and yogurt. 

Mid-Morning Snack: 

We took a mid-morning trip to Trader Joe's and Target to replenish the pantry. Liam absolutely loves Trader Joe's, probably because he gets so much attention there. It's always bright and busy and colorful and there is lots to see. When we got to Target, he was starting to get a bit fussy, so I gave him some graham crackers while we shopped. He ate two full sheets. 


Today's lunch consists of one Trader Joe's fresh mozzarella stick and ¼ of a Bosc pear, cut into matchsticks. Liam was never crazy about pear puree, but he loves eating sticks of pears. He ate his entire lunch. 


Liam almost always eats a deconstructed version of whatever we're eating for dinner (unless I cook with alcohol). Tonight's dinner was turkey burgers with cheddar and cumin aioli and sweet potato fries, so Liam got a baby burger patty (1 ounce of ground turkey, before cooking), one slice of Cheddar cheese, 2 ounces of sweet potato fries (no salt), and two slices of avocado. He ate the entire meal. As my mother said on vacation, the boy can put away some food. 

On top of all this food, Liam still nurses at least 6 times a day. 

To see more Munchkin Meals, please visit A Healthy Slice of Life

kim @ vegan mama

Thursday 4th of October 2012

That's great that he eats so well! My little one (8 months) will taste just about anything, but is really just a nibbler.

Laura @ Mommy run fast

Thursday 4th of October 2012

I love that he has whatever you're having for dinner, I think that's definitely the way to go. Make it as stress free as possible. Cute pic of him in the cart! :)