Liam is about 8.5 months old. He sits unassisted, gets into a sitting position from lying down, crawls on his belly and gets onto his hands and knees (but doesn't crawl with his belly off the ground — yet). He is learning to be a good little brother, and started sharing his meals with the dog.
I've pretty much stopped pureeing food for him. We're finishing up the fruit purees we have left at breakfast, and lunch and/or dinner are finger foods, typically a baby-friendly version of whatever we're having for dinner. Liam vastly prefers feeding himself to being spoon-fed. He's still working on getting the food from his hands to his mouth. I think more ends up in his lap than in his mouth. But he's happy.
I'm essentially a stay-at-home mom (I spend a few hours a week doing graphic design for a chain of physical therapy clinics, which I complete while Liam naps or after he has gone to bed for the night). On a typical day, Liam gets 3 meals, and nurses 6 times. On days we run errands, we skip lunch, and on days that he's teething, he won't eat anything that's not crunchy, like Mumm Mumms, graham crackers, Cheerios, or Plum Organics Puffs.
On this particular day, Liam's breakfast was two ounces of pear-banana puree with a tablespoonful of iron-fortified organic oatmeal.
I recently introduced kiwi for the first time. The face Liam made when he tasted it was priceless, but not captured on camera. He refused to eat any more that first day. I thought offering it with pieces of a milder-flavored fruit he already likes would help, so lunch was half of a banana and half of a kiwi.
Brittany (Healthy Slice of Life)
Thursday 9th of August 2012
Kiwi is a great idea! We haven't tried that one yet. Hailey loves lemons. I'll give her a slice and she makes a terrible face, but then gobbles it up. Their faces with new foods are the best!