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Peanut Butter Cups: Week 6 of 12 Weeks of Christmas Treats

It's Thursday, and time for another installment of 12 Weeks of Christmas Treats, hosted by Meal Planning Magic. If you're a blogger, it's never too late to sign up! Head on over and fill out the form.

One of my favorite childhood memories is making Christmas "chocolates" with my grandmother. She had dozens of plastic molds, and we would melt bags and bags of green, red, white, and chocolate candy melts. We'd fill the molds — wreaths, stockings, trees, reindeer, mistletoe, stars, snowmen, etc. — harden them in the fridge, then pop them out of the molds.

Some were wrapped in candy boxes and given as gifts to her friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Others were set aside and put in candy dishes during the holiday season.

I looked forward to making those candies with her every year. We continued to do it together even into my adulthood, until she got sick and passed in 2006. So, these Christmas treats are in memory of her. I've replaced the chocolate candy melts with a blend of real chocolate, and added some festive decorations on top. I also discovered that special candy cup molds aren't necessary — these cups can be made in mini muffin pans!

[gmc_recipe 1192]

Check out what treats the other participants are baking! Click on the photos below.

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12 Weeks of Christmas Treats Round-Up

Thursday 20th of December 2012

[...] the last row, top left is homemade peanut butter cups, treats that I made with my grandmother when I was a [...]

Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction

Saturday 3rd of November 2012

How sweet that you have the memories with your grandmother. She would be proud that you're continuing the tradition with such delicious treats.

Marina Prins Hoiting

Friday 2nd of November 2012

Mmmm dellicious, pinnend it!

Marina #3

Anita at Hungry Couple

Friday 2nd of November 2012

Definitely one of my favorites!


Thursday 1st of November 2012

Peanut butter cups are my all time favorite. You have inspired me to try making my own!

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